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9 Ways to Boost your Immune System

9 Ways to Boost your Immune System:

1. Check your Vitamin D levels. Surprisingly, many of us are deficient in this “sunshine vitamin” which helps maintain bone strength, cancer prevention and heart health. Sufficient levels are crucial to preventing many chronic illnesses including autoimmune and infectious diseases. To maintain optimal levels, aim for about 15 minutes of sun exposure a day (depending on skin type). Ask your naturopath for the best supplement if levels are low.

2. Take probiotics. Probiotics are live microbial food supplements that can help improve your intestinal microbial balance which helps you fight off infection. If you’re feeling run down, stressed or had a course of antibiotics then now is a good time. Eating fermented foods regularly can also help maintain beneficial gut flora. There are a range of probiotics available - make sure you get a quality brand with a suitable spectrum and specific strains that are right for you.

3. Clean up your diet. Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables, organically grown where possible. Reduce or avoid sugar, alcohol, refined and processed foods.

4. Exercise regularly. Stay active, hit the gym, or go for a walk. Use an activity tracker/app for some extra motivation. 

5. Get enough quality sleep. Aim for at least 7 hours a night to allow your body to repair and recharge properly. See a naturopath if you suffer from insomnia or sleep disorders.

6. Manage your stress. Try yoga, meditation, beach or nature walks, a soak in a bath, aromatherapy, or treat yourself with a massage. Chronic stress is detrimental to your immune system and overall health. Ask your naturopath to check your stress hormones if you feel out of balance.

7. Take a herbal tonic. Some common immune boosting herbs may include echinacea, astragalus, andrographis, cat’s claw and olive leaf extract. However, if you have any current symptoms (such as a cough or allergies) it is recommended you see a naturopath so that specific herbs and supplements can be carefully selected to suit you and your current condition.

8. Take Cod liver oil. Contains Vitamin A and Vitamin D with added benefits of anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids. Take a teaspoon a day or capsules if you don’t like the taste. Make sure you choose a quality brand and follow recommended dosage.

9. Take Zinc and Vitamin C supplements. These are like the main building blocks of your immune system which may help treat and prevent many immune conditions. Studies have shown that the duration of colds has been significantly shortened by these two supplements when taken together.

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